A remnant is like the original. A remnant piece of material is the same as the original. It can be used to repair any garment made out of that same fabric. God’s remnant church in our times must match the original church of the apostles: 1) The People of the Sanctuary – realize the need for the cleansing of the Sanctuary - Daniel 8:14. And that they are the Sanctuary - 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; Revelation 12:14; Revelation 11:19. 2) Teaches a Health Message – Matthew 8:3; 1 Corinthians 3:17; Daniel 1:8,12-20; Genesis 1:29. 3) Keep God’s Ten Commandments – including the Bible’s 7th Day Saturday Sabbath as kept by Jesus and the apostles – If you love Me keep My Commandments - John 14:15; Revelation 14:12 – The true remnant people with the prophets and apostles will say, “We must obey God rather than man.” 4) Teaches Righteousness by Faith Through the Forgiving and Enabling Grace of God: ie both justification and sanctification – Revelation 14:12; 2Peter 1:5-9; 2 Timothy 3:16,17. Teaches the glorious promises to be received by grace through faith, with the biblical conditions for receiving them. 5) Teaches the State of the Dead is Like Sleep – Ecclesiastes. 9:5; John 11:23,24 6) Teaches the Three Angel’s Messages – Revelation 14:6-12; 18:1-4 7) Has the Spirit of Prophecy – 2 Peter 1:19,21; Revelation 19:10 8) Teaches the Great Controversy – between God and Satan – Revelation 12:7,17 – the battle between good and evil that rages around us and in us in the Battle for the brain. 9) Teaches Right Thinking – 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:11; Romans 12:2; Proverbs 23:7 10) Teaches the Godhead not trinity – The word trinity was not used by Christ or the apostles but was introduced by the Roman Church in 325AD – Colossians 2:8,9. 11) Teaches Victory Over Sin – Revelation 22:14; Revelation 7:3; Revelation 3:21; 2 Timothy 3:16,17; 2 Peter 1:10; 1 John 3:6,7; 5:2,3 12) Is Preparing a Group of People Ready to Stand Without an Intercessor – in the time of trouble just before Christ returns – Acts 3:19; Luke 21:36 May you pray for understanding and guidance from the Most High, to be part of the Remnant and receive the seal of God, and stand in that great day! ![]()