The Map and the App
of the Pattern of the Sanctuary Revelation 3:18-20
“Metanoia not Paranoia” Your faith connects earth and heaven
of the Pattern of the Sanctuary Revelation 3:18-20
“Metanoia not Paranoia” Your faith connects earth and heaven
The gold of your love of Christ and your living faith of Jesus brings you to the marriage supper in the heavenly sanctuary (Matthew 22 & 25).
The face of Jesus is before you always as it was before Moses always. 2Corinthians 4:6; 3:18; 3:3; 2 Peter1:19 - your mind is constantly going out to God. This is what justifies you in the wedding garment as you have repented from the former conversations. Repentance in the Greek is metanoia and it means to change your mind – to right thinking. Ephesians 4:22,23,24; Romans 12:2
The divine eye salve has been rubbed and you can see, can truly watch and pray always. Matthew26:41, Luke 21:36 Your spirit has been quickened by the Holy Spirit through internalising the Word of God. You are the temple of God and by your decisions and your diligence you have opened the door for Christ to come in through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. 1Corinthians 3:16, Hebrews 11:6; Philippians 2:12b,13
You have now settled into the truth both intellectually and spiritually. You are sealed as a righteous servant of God surrendered to His perfect will, not your own. You are awake – you have connected earth to heaven through your love and faith for God, of God and in God. In the legal fight of the Great Controversy between God and Satan you have given God the right to come into your life and lead - to bless your words and actions to be of effect. John 15:5
You have become a partaker of the divine nature. 2 Peter1:4 Satan long ago accused God. He said, “Humans cannot keep the law.” God said, “Yes they can and they will.” Through loving God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind – and sharing this message with others - you have vindicated Him and voted sin and suffering and pain out of office. Philippians 4:13 Satan’s time is up. When 144000 have actively realised this, that they are the temple of God, connected and turned on in their Spirit through their loving faith, they will be blessed by the enabling grace of God – able to stand without an intercessor and Jesus will be able to blot out their sins - they will have no more a memory of sin, their consciences perfectly purged. Acts 3:19 – THEN He will come and take His people home.
by Stephen Hill
The face of Jesus is before you always as it was before Moses always. 2Corinthians 4:6; 3:18; 3:3; 2 Peter1:19 - your mind is constantly going out to God. This is what justifies you in the wedding garment as you have repented from the former conversations. Repentance in the Greek is metanoia and it means to change your mind – to right thinking. Ephesians 4:22,23,24; Romans 12:2
The divine eye salve has been rubbed and you can see, can truly watch and pray always. Matthew26:41, Luke 21:36 Your spirit has been quickened by the Holy Spirit through internalising the Word of God. You are the temple of God and by your decisions and your diligence you have opened the door for Christ to come in through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. 1Corinthians 3:16, Hebrews 11:6; Philippians 2:12b,13
You have now settled into the truth both intellectually and spiritually. You are sealed as a righteous servant of God surrendered to His perfect will, not your own. You are awake – you have connected earth to heaven through your love and faith for God, of God and in God. In the legal fight of the Great Controversy between God and Satan you have given God the right to come into your life and lead - to bless your words and actions to be of effect. John 15:5
You have become a partaker of the divine nature. 2 Peter1:4 Satan long ago accused God. He said, “Humans cannot keep the law.” God said, “Yes they can and they will.” Through loving God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind – and sharing this message with others - you have vindicated Him and voted sin and suffering and pain out of office. Philippians 4:13 Satan’s time is up. When 144000 have actively realised this, that they are the temple of God, connected and turned on in their Spirit through their loving faith, they will be blessed by the enabling grace of God – able to stand without an intercessor and Jesus will be able to blot out their sins - they will have no more a memory of sin, their consciences perfectly purged. Acts 3:19 – THEN He will come and take His people home.
by Stephen Hill