Not only is the health message "bound up with the gospel commission" but it ranks among the major doctrines that this church teaches. It can even be included as a definite part of the three angels' messages. Counsels on Health, page 49, states unequivocally that "health reform is an important part of the third angel's message." Divorcing the doctrine of health from the doctrine of the investigative judgment, the 2300 days, the sanctuary, the second-coming of Christ, the millennium, and the Sabbath can be compared to separating the right arm from the body…
Letter 57, 1896; cf. Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 559; vol. 6, p. 327. Michele has spent the past seven years in training with diverse institutions and has some cutting edge information on “Natural Healing” She spends a great deal of time working with people all over the world with severe disease’ All types of cancer, stroke, heart attack, gut health, diabetes, depression and more.She will be teaching you how to prevent and treat all manner of disease and how to live a healthy lifestyle! Nutrition, natural remedies, hydrotherapy, herbs, charcoal, mud, honey and much more. Stephen is a teacher by profession and has absorbed the Health Reform message since becoming Adventist in 2011. He will be focusing on “Right Thinking”, Bible Doctrines and Prophecy. Don’t miss this training camp with Gospel for Our Times Ministries. We are looking forward to a revival with “Present Truth” and “Health Reform”. Dates: 1st July to 31st July (You will need to arrive on the 30th as the 1st is Sabbath Venue: 207 Timbercreek Crescent Woodland Heights Accommodation and meals: supplied For those who would like a payment plan, please contact Michele 0414603350 |